Global Networks and Partnerships

ISC Africa Scoping Project


Future Africa is working with the International Science Council (ISC) to convene a consortium of African partners who would be interested and willing to collaborate on leading a pan-African scoping and development process. This process would be aimed at identifying the need for, and ideal nature of, a longer-term ISC role and related institutional presence on the continent.

ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems

The African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (formerly ACoE in Food Security) – ARUA-SFS – was established in 2018. It is a partnership between the host institution – University of Pretoria – and collaborating partner institutions – University of Ghana and University of Nairobi. The ARUA-SFS aims to create an engaging global network of talented researchers to move institutions forward in pursuit of a common goal. It is recognised that finding solutions to the food security and nutritional challenges in Africa is a huge and daunting task, and there are many local and internationally based organisations working in the African food and agriculture domain. The aim of the ARUA-SFS is not to duplicate efforts, but to create a critical mass of talented researchers working synergistically to maximise complementarity. The vision of the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems is to: “Harness partnerships in research and innovation to drive agricultural and food system transformation to ensure sustainable food security and nutrition in Africa.”

One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP)


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) welcome the newly formed operational definition of One Health from their advisory panel, the One Health High Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP), whose members represent a broad range of disciplines in science and policy-related sectors relevant to One Health from around the world. The four organisations are working together to mainstream One Health so that they are better prepared to prevent, predict, detect, and respond to global health threats and promote sustainable development.

Building transformative global partnerships for African research


A central pillar of our platform is a deep and diverse network of African and international collaborators. We carefully and diligently build this network that we believe will act as the gateway to Africa’s rich and diverse scientific community, while simultaneously projecting the voice of African sciences on the global stage. Our partnership model is based on equity and inclusiveness.