
UKUDLA – Centre of Excellence for Food Systems and Food Data Science officially launched
On 20 January 2025, during the 11th German-African Agribusiness Forum, UKUDLA – the African-German Centre of Excellence for Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems and Applied Agricultural and Food Data Science – was officially launched.

Future Africa Research Chair delivers keynote on Sustainability Transformations at UNIOR launch
Future Africa Research Chair, Professor Ramutsindela, delivers a keynote on Sustainability Transformation at UNIOR launch in Mauritius

The Politics of Sustainability takes the spotlight at Future Africa’s roundtable discussion
On 1 October 2024, the politics of sustainability took centre stage at a roundtable hosted by Future Africa at the University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the University of Oslo.

Call for Papers: Symposium on the Dynamics and Impacts of Borders in Southern Africa’s TFCAs
Future Africa in partnership with the University of Botswana invites submissions for a symposium on the dynamics and impacts of borders in Southern Africa’s Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs)...

Future Africa seminar examines how political interests impact the pursuit of SDGs
Future Africa hosted a seminar featuring Professor Dan Banik, discussing how political interests hinder progress toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

African science leaders gather to celebrate 10 years of growth
The Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP) recently marked a significant milestone, celebrating its tenth anniversary at Future Africa.

Future Africa welcomes UKUDLA: New African-German centre for Sustainable Food Systems and Data Science in Africa
The University of Pretoria (UP) will co-lead the African-German Centre for Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems and Applied Agricultural and Food Data Science, known as UKUDLA. This centre will be part of the Future Africa Research Chair in Sustainable Food Systems...

New Africa-Europe Research Cluster launched to transform Sustainable Food Systems
The University of Pretoria (UP) recently launched the Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence on Sustainable Food Systems (CoRE-SFS), a transformative initiative addressing Africa’s pressing agricultural challenges, particularly those brought on by climate change and rapid population growth, which place increasing strain on crop and livestock production.

Qinisa Initiative Launched to Boost Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research in Southern Africa
The Qinisa Initiative, launched on 27 August 2024 in Pretoria, marks a critical step in tackling agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across Southern Africa. This programme is part of the ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems and hosted at Future Africa at the University of Pretoria.

Dialogue on the Complexity of Transdisciplinary Research
On 22 October 2024, Future Africa hosted the fourth instalment of its Transdisciplinary (TD) Dialogue series, titled Complexity in Transdisciplinary Research: Creativity, Serendipity, and the Future of Academia...

Future Africa Celebrates 10 Years of the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP)
A remarkable milestone is on the horizon for the University of Pretoria (UP). It’s flagship initiative, the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP), hosted at Future Africa—UP's pan-African platform for collaborative research—marks its 10th anniversary.
Advancing transformative science
for social change
Cultivating Research Leaders for a Sustainable Future Africa
Qinisa Initiative hosts UP Vice-Chancellor and New Zealand High Commissioner
UKUDLA – Centre of Excellence for Food Systems and Food Data Science officially launched
Future Africa Research Chair delivers keynote on Sustainability Transformations at UNIOR launch
The Politics of Sustainability takes the spotlight at Future Africa’s roundtable discussion
Call for Papers: Symposium on the Dynamics and Impacts of Borders in Southern Africa’s TFCAs
Future Africa seminar examines how political interests impact the pursuit of SDGs
African science leaders gather to celebrate 10 years of growth
Future Africa welcomes UKUDLA: New African-German centre for Sustainable Food Systems and Data Science in Africa
New Africa-Europe Research Cluster launched to transform Sustainable Food Systems
Qinisa Initiative Launched to Boost Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research in Southern Africa
Dialogue on the Complexity of Transdisciplinary Research
Future Africa Celebrates 10 Years of the Africa Science Leadership Programme (ASLP)
World Food Day 2024 – Right to Food for a Better Life and a Better Future
UP’s Professor Wanda Markotter Re-Elected as Co-Chair of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel
Foster science leadership to advance sustainability
Future Africa’s Robotics and Coding Initiative Empowers Youth at Bokamoso High School
Protecting Communities: The Importance of Rabies Prevention Through One Health
Dialogue on the Transformative Impact of Transdisciplinary Research
Future Africa Secures Two ARUA Collaborative PhD Programmes to Build Research Capacity in Africa
Celebrating the Women of Future Africa: Dr Claire Chagwiza-Marufu
EXPERT OPINION: Making science work in an inequitable society
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Solving Global Challenges: Key Takeaways from TD dialogue with Prof Roderick Lawrence
Future Africa Hosts NYU Graduate Students for Engaging Networking Session
Future Africa Joins STI Coalition for Africa
Future Africa hosts Transdisciplinary (TD) Train the Trainer Workshop to enhance TD expertise
Five years of Future Africa: UP’s collaborative research platform looks ahead
Future Africa Welcomes Prof Wanda Markotter as Interim Director
CLAB-Africa Webinar Series: Climate Impacts on Food Systems in Africa
Be open to opportunities
Future Africa celebrates five years as ‘neutral space for big ideas’
Food for Africa through Collaboration
One Health: Time for Action
Director's Reflection: Future Africa-The First Five Years
'Economic growth is not enough, we need transformation,' says Tito Mboweni at the launch of the African Transformation Index (ATI)
Future Africa Task Team Drives Pan-African STI Collaboration at INGSA Conference in Rwanda
Future Africa at INGSA2024: A Decade of Global Science Advice and Diplomacy
Appointment of Professor Maano Ramutsindela as the UP-UCT Future Africa Research Chair in Sustainability Transformations
Call for applications 2024: Tuks Young Research Leadership Programme (TYRLP)
EXPERT OPINION: Human Rights for Social Justice: Reflecting on human rights day 2024
Empowering Youth for a Sustainable Healthy Future
Future Africa Team Visits New York to Strengthen Science Partnerships
Advancing One Health: Insights from the Status of One Health in SA Webinar
Spotlight on Politics of Sustainable Development: Future Africa Hosts the Inaugural CoRE Meeting
A call for pan-African collaboration in shaping the future of science, technology and innovation
Newsletter: One Health Focus - Issue 1 (Dec 2023)
UP’s Dr Heide Hackmann wins Science Diplomacy Award at the 2023 South Africa Science Forum
Next-level collaborative action to advance African science in a global context
The interlinkage between climate change and the food system in Africa
There’s more to poverty than meets the eye: Reflections on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2023
Climate Change: Addressing the Cow in the Room
Promote The Switch
Every Child Every Right
UP and Nestlé forge a transformative partnership to advance food research and education
Pan-African collaborative avenues for strengthening African science
Future Africa Congratulates Prof Dire Tladi on Historic Appointment as Judge of the International Court of Justice
Including Traditional Crops in the African Research Agenda for Sustainable Food Systems
Building a Healthier Future Together: Future Africa Commemorates One Health Day
Future Africa appoints Prof Frans Swanepoel as Research Chair for the Sustainable Food Systems Domain
Youth-Led Movement That Transcends Borders
Financing a Sustainable Urban Future For All
Exploring City-Hinterland Linkages
Food Security and Sustainability Research in Africa
Future Africa and ISC Co-Host Roundtable on Mobilising Science and Research Funding for Development in Africa
ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (ARUA-SFS) welcomes new ARUA-CCNY early-career research fellow
Professor Wanda Markotter Talks about Viral Spillover and One Health Approach on SAFM
Professor Wanda Markotter Joins Global Lancet-PPATS Commission on Prevention of Viral Spillover
Launch of Africa Journal of Religion and Culture
Magnetron sputtering methods at Michigan State University
Intersecting Realities: Rethinking the Value of Water
Food and Digital Transformation
Rainwater Harvest Culture Could be a Solution to Water Challenges
Hope gleams in the form of digital transformation
One for the Girls | Mentioning in Stem
Celebrating world mental Health Day Through a Non-illness Intervention Link
Hopes of Refrigeration at an Off-grid Health Dispensary in Kenya
Continuous Professional Development of Teachers: a Situational Analysis
FAR-LeaF Fellow Selected for Nigeria Science Leadership Programme
Dr Heide Hackmann to lead new Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence on Politics of Sustainable Development
Celebrating #InternationalDayofPeace 2023: Action for peace as the antidote to violence
Women's Land Rights and Agricultural Development in Nigeria
Governments must seek win-win synergies by tackling climate and sustainable development crises together, urges expert group report
Survey research proved that African voices can rise above ‘expert’ narratives – Afrobarometer Chair Gyimah-Boadi
Future Africa launches successful Futures Literacy Masterclass
A computerised adaptive scale for evaluating students' mental well-being
Leadership and economics of education
Safeguarding Kenya's coral reef fish species for the future
Women's Month 2023: Dr Matilda Azong Cho
FAR-LeaF health cluster host roundtable discussion in Botswana
EXPERT OPINION: Biofuel investment and women’s land rights: the role of the water, energy, land, and food (WELF) nexus
Women's Month 2023: Dr Colleta Gandidzanwa
Agricultural adaptation to climate change: lessons from Hai District, Tanzania
Making Water Challengers Visible
Making transdisciplinarity real: transformations supporting transdisciplinary research
Water and sanitation governance in rural settlements
Change in rainfall affect all farming activities
Future Africa to Help Implement Africa Charter on Transformative Research Collaborations
Women's Month 2023: Dr Sussy Munialo
FAR-LeaF wraps second workshop
Lessons from the field: Literacy leadership among rural women
Empowering Africa's indigenous communities through technology
Developing a machine learning system to detect water stress on maise farms
Increasing sustainability education in higher education institutions in Africa
Future Africa co-hosts the new Future Earth Africa Hub Leadership Centre
RESEARCH | Politics of Security Sector Reform
RESEARCH | Frontiers of belonging and politics of identity
Celebrating Africa day of seas and oceans
A Collaborative Effort to Empower Ga Mampa Farmers in Addressing Animal Health Care Challenges
Desertification and drought: Herding and farming communities
World Youth Skills Day: Empowering School Learners through STEM Education
Prestigious Banda-Africa fellowship awarded to FAR-LeaF fellow Dr Amankwaa
Open Science and its Relevance in the African Context
FAR-LeaF presents session at Sri Panama
Ensuring mental well-being through transdisciplinary research
Professor Dire Tladi nominated to serve as a judge at the International Court of Justice
FAR-LeaF health cluster impress at Sri 2023 Africa satellite event
FAR-LeaF fellow presents at ACSUS-UP virtual conference
The rights of the child in the digital environment
Child labour in Africa: Call to action
UP and Montpellier University launch collaborative PhD platform to establish global community of sustainability scientists
RESEARCH | Community Participation in Water and Sanitation Service Delivery
‘Growing anti-intellectual sentiment could dilute universities’ impact’ – Panel discussion at UP Future Africa
Director of Future Africa joins global efforts to address climate change and sustainable development
Fish Barcoding and Functional Ecological Workshop
FAR-LeaF Fellow Published in Three International Journals
FAR-LeaF Fellow a CCNY Outstanding Scholar
Intersection of food security and water in Sub-Saharan Africa
Celebrating the Rich Heritage of Africa: Future Africa Week Kicks Off at the University of Pretoria
Families in Africa: Demographic Trends and Families
Strategic Ways to Improve Climate Services in Ghana
Return on Education Investments
ADAPT | Extreme Heat in the Classroom
Towards Securing Water Resources for Sustainability
Outstanding Performance | Dr Brighton Chunga
Countering Islamophobia Through Peace Messaging and Media Literacy
Nanotechnology with BESSY II
Resource for Household Food Security
Inclusive Economic Empowerment for Women
Financial Muscle | Equality Through Financial Literacy
Fellow invited to 14th HOPE Meeting with Nobel Laureates in Japan
School Feeding Programmes in Africa
Nigerian Election and Peace Linguistics
International Publications on Waste Management | Q&A with Dr Emmanuel Chukwuma
FAR-LeaF Fellow Awarded a Place in the Prestigious OWSD Programme
African Early Career Researchers Meeting | Tabitha Amollo
Tailored Malaria Adaptation Strategies for the Okavango Delta
Best Researcher-Award Goes to FAR-LeaF Fellow
Peter Berck’s Best Discussion Paper Award 2022 | Dr Nkechi Owoo and Team
Nutrition for All: Food Security in Malawi
Emmanuel Chukwuma | Present at Pasae, Ghana
Q&A | FAR-LeaF Fellow Jumoke Oladele
Resilience Among Children Living and Working on the Streets of Harare
Nanotechnology for Energy Efficiency
Transdisciplinarity at the core of FAR-LeaF August seminar
Life, Love and Breastfeeding: Educate and Support
African Money | Money Leaders
Taking Stock of Cameroon's Forests
Blackfly Biting and the Transmission of Onchocerciasis
World Youth Skills Day Revisited
Nurturing STEM Education in Youth Through Robotics
SRI2022 – An African point of view to address wicked challenges
Dr Heide Hackmann discusses transdisciplinarity and global knowledge networks with womanity-women in unity
SA female STEM scientist continues to grow One Health platform
CLABAfrica Webinar 3 focusing on People-Animal-Ecosystems-Health and Wellbeing
SRI Inkundla Shared ways forward for the world we want
SRI2022 programme 20-24 June 2022
Future Africa to host upcoming Global Sustainability Conference
The early career research leader fellowship (ECRLF)
From Paris to Pretoria – Dr Heide Hackmann joins Future Africa
SRI2022 Calendar
SRI Inkundla – Building Peace for Sustainability through Science
Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Teach4Reach initiative
SRI2022 Reminder! Call for session proposal closes 25 Feb 2022!
Deadline Extended
Documentary: Biodiversity for Malawi 2063
SRI2022 Reminder! Call for session proposals closes 5 Feb 2022!
New closing date for applications: 14 January 2022
SRI2022 Call for Session Proposals is open – join us for an Informational Webinar
Newly formed operational definition of One Health to respond to global health threats
Dr Connie Nshemereirwe (Uganda) appointed as the new Director of the Africa Science Leadership Programme
UP’s Prof Cheikh Mbow features in Netflix documentary
Future Africa at the University of Pretoria Postgraduate Residence: Applications for 2022
Impact of Pathogens on Agricultural Production Workshop - 2021
SRI2022 to take place June 20-24, 2022
Future Africa at the University of Pretoria hosts regional satellite event for sustainability research and innovation
Future Africa ECRLF Dissemination Webinar hosted by Makerere University
Resilience in Science Leadership during the COVID era workshop
Voice of Africa - A report on climate change, biodiversity and food security
A Dialogue on Knowledge Economy and Generation Equality in Africa in Honour of Charlotte Maxeke
Esteemed African writer and academic appointed inaugural fellow of UP Artist in Residency Fellowship Programme
UPMandelaMonth: UNICEF-UP project empowers youth through education and community engagement
CLAB-Africa Project
Teach4Reach Project: Exploring the synergies between Teacher Education Programmes and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Future Africa Research Institute - 1HOPE: Webinar Series
ECRLF Conference: Promoting Multidisciplinary Research Approaches for Sustainable Development: 6-8 July 2021
RNPIA Conference: 5th - 7th July 2021
Future Africa to host the SRI2022 Congress
What does sustainability research mean in Africa
Future Africa | UNICEF Youth Forum
Partnerships in STEM Innovation and Future Africa
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021
Health Economics Discussion Forum at UP (HEDF@UP)
Africa has the capabilities and the experience to produce vaccines’ – President Ramaphosa in conversation with President Macron at UP
British Council funded Climate Change Malaria Action (C2MA) workshop
Health-People-Places Chair will strengthen UP’s science leadership in Africa
Accelerators for Green Skills in Solar PV Energy Transition
FNB Varsity Cup captains in symbolic tree-planting ceremony
Scholarships now available for low - and middle-income countries to attend SRI2021
SRI2021 Funding Opportunity
Transformation to sustainability – a buzz-phrase, or a concept with substance
Roundtable What does transformation(s) to sustainability mean today
Free to download COVID 19 and Health Education Resources for Individuals with disabilities
Future Africa presents at the Galien Forum
Future Africa preps to share COVID-19 research with Galien Africa Forum and World Health Organisation
Future Africa - 1HOPE Webinar Series
Leveraging African Resources to Transform Food Security on the Continent
Imagine this headline in 2030 Greenhouse gas to green cows gas African scientist finds way to reduce methane from cattle
Women lose a lot when public resources are being siphoned and stolen – Dr Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka during UP-hosted Women’s Month Dialogue
No more injections Egyptian researcher wants to deliver COVID-19 vaccine through skin
UP, UNICEF and the UNDP collaborate to empower young South Africans
COVID-19 Research and Engagement Platform at UP (CORE-P)
UP webinar on Future Africa Post-COVID-19 suggests researchers must play leading role in reshaping African society
INVITATION Webinar Future Africa Post-COVID-19, Friday 29 May 2020 at 1:00PM
Covid-19: A call to look into our African Biodiversity for solutions
COVID-19 highlights need for early cancer diagnosis and treatment in Africa
Medicines for Africans, by Africans
COVID-19 Research Continuity Plan | UP Emergency Response Protocol | UP Residences Closure
International Womens Day Feature by Dr Tonjock Rosemary Kinge Mentorship to get more females in STEM a must for Africa
Q & A with Dr. Connie Nshemereirwe
Future Africa Director Prof Cheikh Mbow leads UP delegation to Japan to drive Africa-Asia collaboration
Chef Jelele: Using Future Africa gardens to create unique dishes
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. Nicolas Kagimu
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. Alice Nabatanzi
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. Florece Opondo
It takes a village to find a balance - Dr Fanelwa Ajayi
Launch of The UP Research Data Management System
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. John Mushomi
University Vice-Chancellor Participates In A Fungal Citizen Science Project
Call for applications - ASLP 2020
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. Oluwole Coker
Get to know the ECRLF Fellows: Dr. Carene Picot-Allain
Future Africa Workshop Day for Early Career Research Fellows
The Tuks Young Research Leader Programme completes a successful fifth round
Imagine this headline in 2037: Mushrooms make Africa great again
Microsoft AI for Good workshop at Future Africa
Future Africa welcomes new Director Prof Cheikh Mbow
Could a cure for Alzheimers be growing in this biotechnologist’s backyard
Imagine this headline in the future: Nigeria 2035 youth job boom sees an economic policy shift across Africa
Plant scientist hopes to keep the forestry industry alive
Progress 2019 of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Tshwane project
Imagine a future where an African-led team of scientists announce the first HIV vaccine
ASLP fellows selected to Next Einstein Forum
UP Consumer and Food Sciences Students Celebrate the Indigenous Ingredients Foraged on the Future Africa Campus
Women’s Month message from the VC and Principal
The West African Science Leadership Programme launched
VCs Introductory Function for Postdoctoral Fellows at UP
Nigerian economist calls for funding of 100 million African start-ups by 2035
The Sustainable Development Goals, Little Red Riding Hood and Sixty Minutes