African Science and Technology Futures

Understanding the dynamics of African science and technology policy in a global context and ensuring the development of innovative African science and technology systems is imperative for purposes of advancing the transformative impact of African research and scholarship. Future Africa is developing an exciting programme of work in this cross-cutting challenge domain. The broad objective is to develop and enhance leadership for transformative African science systems, identifying and advocating for change where needed and supporting existing and future leaders to amplify the visibility and voice of African science on a global stage.

Our Programmes

Tuks Young Research Leader Programme

The TYRLP programme aims to grow early career academics at UP in the areas of thought leadership, team development, engagement and collaboration, with the intention of enabling them to solve the complex issues that face society. The programme aims to form a community within the University of the like-minded young researchers who possess qualities that will contribute to UP becoming and leading as

Science Systems Leadership Academy

The Science Systems Leadership Academy strives to catalyse a change in African and global science systems by identifying individuals who are transitioning into leadership roles in scientific organisations globally, and equipping them with the international support networks, critical skills, and knowledge that they will need to drive forward a co-created vision of and for science in Africa.

Africa Science Leadership Programme

The African Science Leadership Programme (ASLP) is an initiative of the University of Pretoria and the Global Young Academy, with the support of Robert Bosch Stiftung. It aims to grow mid-career African academics in the areas of thought leadership, team management and research development, to enable them to contribute to the development of a new paradigm for science in Africa, focused on its contribution to solving the complex issues facing both Africa and the global community.

Future Africa and ISC Regional Engagement Project

Future Africa is leading a two-year scoping and development process that will inform the International Science Council’s (ISC) future presence in Africa. Future Africa will convene a consortium of African partners to identify the need for and the ideal nature of a longer-term ISC role and related institutional presence on the continent.

Science, Technology and Innovation Coalition for Africa

The Coalition on Science, Technology, and Innovation for Africa’s Development (STI Coalition) was launched on 2 May 2023. The STI Coalition is based on the premise that collaborative efforts, including various forms of partnerships, are crucial for making STI more responsive to the African realities. Co-founded by South Africa, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Ghana, and Morocco, representing the five African regions with the support of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the initiative aims to create a pathway for African countries to develop, deploy and expand the use of STI in the context of achieving the SDGs and the AU Agenda 2063. Future Africa contributes technical support to the STI Coalition advancing its objectives.

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