Roundtable What does transformation(s) to sustainability mean today

Thursday, 4 March at 15h–16h CET

The Transformations to Sustainability programme (a joint initiative of the International Science Council, the Belmont Forum and the NORFACE network) invites you to an in-depth discussion of some of the critical questions for research on transformations to sustainability in early 2021.

Three leading scholars and practitioners – Ulrich Brand, Cheikh Mbow and Karen O’Brien – will be led by Susanne Moser in a discussion of vital questions such as:

  • What, if anything, is the COVID-19 pandemic teaching us about ‘transformation’ and ‘transformative research’?
  • What are the minimum elements of a definition/conceptualization of transformation (to sustainability)? What can and should we agree on?
  • How do we recognize transformation and distinguish it from other kinds of change, particularly as it is happening?
  • When is research itself transformative?

Find out more and register here: