Dr Dougnon Tamègnon Victorien

BeninUniversity of Abomey-Calavi Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi

Department of Human Biology

Research Profiles

Fields of Expertise
- Biological Sciences
- Environmental Sciences

Focus Areas / Specialisation
Work and Research
Born on 23rd March, 1988, his research activities can be divided into three main areas: the issue of market gardening and the hygienic quality of foodstuffs; The application of microbiological techniques to the resolution of problems and the exploration of Benin's flora for the treatment of diseases. Lindau Alumnus 2017, he got numerous grants worldwide from well-established Scientific commitees (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Victorien_Dougnon). He created with some colleagues the Research Unit in Microbiology Applied and Pharmacology of Natural Substances (URMAPha), a modern research laboratory which has revolutionized the field of Microbiology in Benin (https://e-urmapha.uac.bj). Since 2018, he is a Founder Member the President of Benin Young Scientists Academy. He is very familiar to the SDGs especially those related to good health and well-being (Goal 3). He has also been invited at several activities organized by The World Academy of Sciences, the TWAS-ROSSA, the Global Young Academy, the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and American Society for Microbiology. Apart from his classical research and teaching activities in microbiology, Dr. Victorien Tamègnon DOUGNON actively participates in the execution of projects with social impact. Indeed, he was very early initiated to the study of viruses and especially of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Having acquired a solid knowledge of HIV / AIDS, he has been actively involved in the fight against this pandemic of the century since the beginning of his university studies. Indeed, he was for three consecutive years, the President of the Polytechnic Unit of Fight against AIDS (CPLS), a structure of sensitization of the students on the subject of the AIDS (http://cplsipe.e-monsite.com). Through its campus activities, it has received support from the Dutch NUFFIC / NPT BEN 153 project and other partnerships with associations such as the Beninese Young Leaders Association (YBLA) and the United States Embassy. America in Benin. With this activity, he campaigned for student rights to a better understanding of HIV / AIDS and prevention methods (http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/JAHR/article-abstract/09443CD46283). His experiences in the field of AIDS have been complemented by his involvement as a researcher, supervisor and consultant for epidemiological surveillance surveys on HIV trends in Benin and along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/economy/artikel.php?ID=330966;https://www.newsghana.com.gh/tag/dr-dougnon-victorien/; http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/economy/artikel.php?ID=330966) (http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/economy/artikel.php?ID=330966 ; https://www.newsghana.com.gh/t ag / dr-dougnon-victorian/;http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/economy/artikel.php?ID=330966). All these experiences have enabled him to establish close professional relations with the actors in charge of the fight against AIDS in Benin such as the National AIDS Control Program, the National Committee for the Fight against AIDS and the Organization of the Corridor Abidjan-Lagos (ALCO). Dynamic and passionate, he remains convinced that this disease can be overcome. Therefore, although initially rooted in prevention, he put his skills at the service of a Non-Governmental Organization called Center for Reflections and Actions for Integral Development and Solidarity (CeRADIS) to help improve the quality care of people living with HIV / AIDS in Benin and Niger. He was therefore recruited by this Organization as the HIV advocate. He worked on improving bottlenecks in the effective management of patients, regardless of their sexual orientation. Thanks to a community monitoring observatory, he coordinated and ensured that citizens denounced the ruptures of antiretroviral drugs, the dysfunctions in the management of the sites, the cases of discrimination and humiliation suffered by vulnerable populations such as prisoners, homosexuals and sex workers (https://www.facebook.com/Optimize-the-business-charge-of-PVVIH-692031330868354/, http://www.lapressedujour.net/archives/42916, http: //www.wombolombo.com/articles/20459/elimination-de-latransmission-du-vih-mere-enfant-le-benin-toujours-a-la-recherche-dun-meilleur-suivi-biologique-et-de -the-viral load? st = sm, http://www.lanationbenin.info/index.php/k2/item/3848-acces-aux-services-de-sante-en matiere-devih-ceradis-ong-et -l-years-mark-the-challenges-a-face-to-2020). He has organized press conferences, public meetings, policy papers and articles in the print media to ensure the rights of vulnerable people to life and care. At the end of his contract, Dr. Victorien Tamègnon DOUGNON has impacted the well-being of more than 300 people living with HIV, 1080 homosexuals and 04 associations of women living with HIV.