Dr Eleanor Ochodo

South AfricaStellenbosch University

Medicine and Health Sciences

Research Profiles

Fields of Expertise
- Medicine

Focus Areas / Specialisation
Diagnostic Test Accuracy
My Vision for Future Africa
To advance science, I have conducted research in methods for diagnosing diseases and in evidence-based health care. To date I have 18 scientific publications of which 10 have been published in journals with high impact factors. I was also involved as the leading author in conducting two systematic reviews to estimate the accuracy of point of care tests for HIV for the World Health Organization. The results of this work were used to inform revision of the WHO HIV guidelines in 2015. I serve as a member of the group involved in revising the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD). This reporting guideline aims to assist researchers effectively report findings from their studies on diagnostic tests. Poor reporting of studies inhibits effective decision making on which interventions to implement in practice.