Dr Lydia Mosi

University of Ghana

Biological Sciences
Biochemistry, Cell and
Molecular Biology

Fields of Expertise
  • Biological Sciences
Focus Areas / Specialisation


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My research interest is with Buruli ulcer, a necrotizing skin ulcerative disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. I am interested in investigating the existing gaps in transmission by exploiting multidisciplinary approaches that will aid in identifying the niche of the bacterium in the natural environment. Using in silico genomics and functional laboratory studies i hope to provide insight into the environmental niche of M. ulcerans and other environmental mycobacteria of medical importance; and the development of rapid diagnostic and intervention strategies for Buruli ulcer disease. Buruli ulcer currently receives very little attention from the international community since it is a neglected tropical disease. There are a few research groups in Ghana working on this disease and I believe