Dr Mohamed El Zayat

Cairo University

Integrated Engineering Design Management

Research Profiles
Fields of Expertise
  • CiviI & Structural Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences
Focus Areas / Specialisation

    Environmental Engineering

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My Vision for Future Africa

Dr. Mohamed El Zayat holds a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering from Cairo University and a Master Degree in Environmental engineering from the American University in Cairo. He has also earned his Ph.D. with a specialization in Environmental Engineering from the American University in Cairo. Dr. Zayat has been awarded from the American University in Cairo for his academic achievements in the field of environmental engineering as well as the Environment and Water Resource Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as a visiting international fellow. He has also been awarded by several national organizations such as the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) for his PhD research work as well as the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate. Moreover, his PhD research work was selected as one of the best research works to be presented in the young scholar forum in 2012 by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and the Cyprus Institute. Dr. Zayat has published many researches in the field of Environmental Engineering especially in water and wastewater treatment in both international peered reviewed journals and international conferences. Dr. Zayat is also a reviewer at Natural Science Journal and Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Moreover, he is an editorial board member of Austin Chemical Engineering Journal. He has also participated in a funded research project for Global Young Academy (GYA), International Academy Partnership (IAP), and Leopoldina. He has been selected as well by the GYA to be a fellow of the Africa Science Leadership Program (ASLP) held annually in South Africa. Currently he is the Regional Manager of Integral Consult for Environmental Solutions. Dr. Zayat is Lecturer at Cairo University and Assistant Professor at the American University in Cairo (AUC). He used to be a guest lecturer at Texas A&M University at Qatar. Dr. El Zayat is also a member in the green building committee of the Housing & Building National Research Center (HBNRC) as well as the Wastewater Engineering Committee of the Environment Water Resource Institute (EWRI). Dr. Zayat research work is focusing on sustainability and environment where he is supervising a number of Ph.D. and Master students in this field. Recently, he has been awarded a fund from the Germen Egypt Research Fund to conduct a project in “Innovative Combustion Technology with Adopted Exhaust Cleaning System for Thermal Treatment of Medical Waste in Egypt” in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP – Germany. Dr. Zayat participated as an environmental expert in several projects in the Middle East region including environmental impact assessment, clean development mechanism, green building certification, water and wastewater treatment plants evaluation, environmental due diligence, and energy efficiency in various sectors and industries. These sectors include such as cement, chemicals, green buildings, power, infrastructure, waste management, and wastewater treatment plants. He is also an expert in BREEZE AERMOD which is used to model impacts of air and odor emissions. Dr. Zayat has carried out a number of technical and environmental audits of wastewater treatment plants as well as water treatment plants. He has also conducted wastewater and water treatment quality control workshops. Dr. Zayat is a GSAS Certified Green Professional and LEED Green Associate. Zayat is also a member in the Environmental & Water Resource Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). He is also accredited Environmental Specialist from the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and a member at the Science Advisory Board.