Dr Rene English

South AfricaHealth Systems Trust

Fields of Expertise
- Life Sciences & Medicine

Focus Areas / Specialisation
Public Health
My Vision for Future Africa
I have made contributions to advance science and/or its impact on society since I started my research career. My PhD was to test the validity of a respiratory guideline for nurses in South Africa. It was the first guideline of its kind locally. The guideline was eventually expanded to include HIV and AIDS, and now includes chronic diseases of lifestyle and is called PC101. As a trainee in Public Health Medicine, I conducted research and made recommendations for strengthen health information management systems in a province in South Africa. Some recommendations were immediately adopted by the executive and ultimately the work influenced national policy. In the past month the province has asked me to assist with a similar project drawing on the methods used in the initial one conducted almost ten years ago. At Health Systems Trust, the following research outcomes/products are implemented nationally/provincially: National Health Research Database; rationalized registers and patient filing systems; competencies assessments for facility and district managers; results of community health worker assessments. The District Health Management Team Framework has been adopted for recommendation nationally. I have co-authored and lead the production of the following national publications: the South African Health Review and District Health Barometer.