Dr Sussy Munialo

South Africa

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Sussy Munialo has a PhD in agricultural resource management. Her research interest is in sustainable food systems, Indigenous crops, economic modelling, climate change, gender, and monitoring impacts of projects. She is currently a post-doctoral fellow with ARUA Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Food Systems (ARUA-SFS) and her current research focusses on Unleashing the Potential of Indigenous Crops. Her previous research focused on understanding the causes of large yield gaps on smallholder farms and improving the nutritional and economic well-being of smallholder women farmers through utilisation of African Leafy Vegetables. She has also worked at the capacity of researcher, consultant, and technical expert with institutions such as the World Food Programme, World Agroforestry Centre, University of Nairobi, ETC East Africa, USAID, DFID and RUFORUM. Her accomplishments include several published papers and technical reports. She is inspired by a society that is food secure, productive, and independent and her future inspiration is to become a global transformative leader in Food Sustainable Food Systems. Sussy is versatile and has great teamwork and people management skills. She loves reading scientific and inspirational books, gardening, cooking, walking, and meeting people.