My research articles discussed the applying of selected safe and friendly environmentally methods of control agricultural pests as part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies such as using plant extracts, bio-pesticides (biological pesticides), naturally origin pesticides and Nano-pesticides. These methods considered relatively safer to organisms including human, and promising strategy in pest control. Recently, there is an urgent need to develop a new approach of pesticide to alternative formulation such as using of nanopesticide formulations. My articles target how to reduce the plant injury and economic loss by decreasing the quality and quantity of synthetic chemicals used in pest control. In addition to evaluating the economic importance and damage causes cost-effective problems of crops, vegetables, fruits, herbal and medicinal plants caused by various agricultural pests in agricultural fields and its harmful impacts. I reviewed the taxonomical features, morphological identification and distinctive characteristics of the economic agricultural pests such as nematodes, mites, and rodents in general, and terrestrial gastropods in particular, which is considered new pest. In addition to I do re-identification of some species and redesigned the distribution map of certain agricultural pests in Egypt. Regarding this topic, I had successful collaboration with American and Italian partners to accomplish this research. My articles focused as well on biological and ecological aspects of terrestrial gastropods contained survey, population dynamic, recording their distribution in agricultural environment. I had previous collaboration with German partner to study the genetic revisions of native terrestrial gastropods samples from different locations across north coast of Egypt. These studies, especially controlling programs are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as G1: No poverty, G2: Zero Hunger, G8: Decent work and economic growth, G12: responsible consumption and production, G13: Climate action, and G15: Life on land.