Prof Wayne Truter

CLAB-Africa Senior Researcher

South Africa

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Wayne is currently Professor and Chairman of the Executive Board and Scientific Committee of the FPLRI Research, Innovation, and Training Institute. He is the Programme Director of the African Forage, Fodder, Feed and Food Quality Reference Laboratory (AF4RICA Lab) and the FPLRS Programme at Enterprises University of Pretoria. He is also affiliated to University of the Free State, Centre of Environmental Management. His main field of specialisation is to understand the interrelationships between soil, vegetation, water, livestock, and wildlife in the agricultural discipline and the discipline of land regeneration of mined and disturbed agricultural land. He has spent 25 years conducting research and evaluating forage, pasture production, and rehabilitated land management systems. This is in addition to establishing environmentally acceptable methods of regenerating disturbed areas by ultimately re-vegetating these areas with selective forage, pasture, and other industrial crops to improve the agricultural potential of degraded areas to be utilised for livestock production and wildlife management systems.